What are millennials investing in?
It’s seems like every day you see another article in a newspaper about millennials ‘killing industries’ in recent times young people were said to have caused the demise of doorbells, napkins and even breakfast cereal.
These tales of millennials bring the end to industries often go viral on social media and bring some interesting responses. When The Economist asked, “Why aren’t millennials buying diamonds?” it got some interesting replies including “Because you can’t live in a diamond or eat a diamond”
So, we know what industries are being “killed” by the younger generation, but what industries are they supporting and investing in? Data from The Share Centre shows millennials-investors aged 18 to 36, and baby boomers-investors aged 60 plus, are taking distinct approaches to investments.
— Are more willing to use tracker funds
— Put a bigger emphasis on investing in technology
— A more adventurous in their fund selections
Baby Boomers
— Focus more on capital preservation
— Take more of a cautious approach to fund selections
While there are differences in both groups there are some similarities. With a new era of innovation and treatment pharmaceuticals & biotechnology companies appeal to both age groups as well as traditional sectors such as oil and gas producers.
Whatever your age we can help you with tailored investment advice for your needs.
The value of investments and any income from them can go down as well as up and you may not get back the original amount invested.